Trezor Wallet - (version 21.7.1)
New firmware for Trezor Model T (version 2.4.1) and Trezor Model One (version 1.10.2) has also been released. Update your device by opening Trezor Suite and following the in-app prompts.
Last updated
New firmware for Trezor Model T (version 2.4.1) and Trezor Model One (version 1.10.2) has also been released. Update your device by opening Trezor Suite and following the in-app prompts.
Last updated
Trezor Suite is still a fresh, brand-new product so development will continue with new updates and features available every month for the foreseeable future.
On the roadmap are coin control, full node support, CoinJoin, a Trezor mobile app and password manager, and support for more languages! Get a Trezor hardware wallet today and take advantage of these new features as soon as they are released.
If you already have Trezor Suite installed on your computer, simply open the app and use the autoupdater to fetch the latest version. If you’re just making the switch from Trezor Wallet to Trezor Suite, you can download the right version for your operating system directly from version
Trezor Suite has been used by tens of thousands of Trezor customers for over half a year. During that time a lot has been tested, fixed and improved upon.
Today’s release doesn’t introduce any striking new functions but rounds off the loose ends and fills in earlier improvements like the Learn & Discover menu, and the onboarding process which were launched to beta in recent weeks.